Experience and Commitment - Jupiter Health and Medical Services Pty LTD

Experience and Commitment - Jupiter Health and Medical Services Pty LTD

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Experience and Commitment

Experience & Commitment
A wide variety of professional, committed medical staff

Friendly and efficient support staff

A diverse group of doctors, with special interests and qualifications in a variety of areas

Dedicated, passionate care across all practices
A wide variety of professional, committed medical staff

The Jupiter Health Services family consists of professional, committed doctors and nurses from diverse ethnic backgrounds.  Our doctors, both male and female have extensive local and international experience and work together to offer patients a caring, professional service.  All medical information is kept strictly confidential.

Friendly and efficient support staff
Jupiter Health Services’ highly trained and professional practice managers and receptionists ensure that patients are welcomed into a friendly, supportive environment where they receive efficient assistance.

A diverse group of doctors, with special interests and qualifications in a variety of areas
The diverse group of doctors at Jupiter Health Services have a wide variety of special interests and qualifications to ensure that a wide range of specialised medical services are available to patients.
All the Jupiter Health Services practices offer general practice services and urgent care.  In addition, various practices offer specialised services.  Please review the individual practices websites, found at the bottom of each page to confirm the availability of specialised services at each practice.

The following special services are offered by different practices in the Jupiter Health Services group:

Women’s health, including skin care, contraception, antenatal and postnatal care, menopause and weak pelvic floor treatment;
Men’s health including prostrate checks;
Paediatrics / child health;
Aged care;
Mental health;
Skin cancer / mole checks and treatment;
Cosmetics and anti-aging treatment;
Pre-employment medicals;
Workers Compensation;
Chronic disease management;
Allergy and asthma treatment;
Diabetic patient care;

Dedicated, passionate care across all practices
At Jupiter Health Services the staff has been specially recruited to ensure that all patients are treated in a professional, personalised manner.  Dedicated, passionate employees who truly care for patients’ wellbeing are sought by our group.

Jupiter Health Services assists teaching and research by participation in the UWA mentoring scheme at some practices and supports doctors, nurses and administration staff to participate in on-going education and development.

Choose one of our locations: (By: Suburb Name)

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